Activists urge to simplify exit from conflict zone for displaced persons with children

Дата: 15 September 2015
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The internally displaced persons (IDPs) should be granted right to vote. In addition, crossing of the demarcation line for those with small children should be simplified.

This is stated in the recommendations of the International Conference “Consolidating efforts for long-term strategic programs for IDPs: international experience and implementation in Ukraine.”

It is noted that the main issues include the lack of long-term programs on settlement the problems of IDPs, providing temporary shelter, employment, the lack of procedure for compensation for lost property on the uncontrolled territories, as well as lack of awareness of local officials dealing with ​​human rights of the problems of the IDPs.

The representatives of the NGOs, charitable organizations, and initiative groups, which provide assistance to the internally displaced persons, propose to:

  • appoint national coordinating body on issues of internal displacement, and to grant it the necessary powers to take the lead in solving the complex problems of the IDPs;
  • initiate the development of the unified program of state support for the IDPs;
  • amend the electoral law to guarantee the IDPs their electoral rights;
  • simplify the conditions for entry into the territory of Ukraine and exit from uncontrolled territories for the IDPs with children, and to promote the safety of crossing the demarcation line and administrative border.

The activists also urge the media to inform the public about the social and legal status of the IDPs in Ukraine.

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