For the second year Parubiy prevents the hearing of Ombudsman’s report – Deputy

Дата: 05 July 2017
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The Chairman of the Parliament, Andriy Parubiy, for the second consecutive year does not provide the opportunity to hear the Ombudsman’s report on the state of human rights in Ukraine.

As reported by reporter of the Human Rights Information Centre, this was stated by Iryna Suslova, Deputy from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc political party, during the international conference “Human Rights in Ukraine: the Starting Point”.

“We have already briefly heard the Commissioner for Human Rights twice in the Human Rights Committee. And the Committee has unanimously recommended submitting the report to the Verkhovna Rada for hearing by all People’s Deputies. But for the second consecutive year Chairman prevents this opportunity”, – Suslova said.

She said that Ombudsman’s report is valuable.

The MP reminds that the report contains recommendations for the Parliament and government to improve the situation on human rights.

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