It began. The law on prohibition of abortions is registered in the parliament

Дата: 30 March 2017
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A bill has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada, according to which abortions can be carried out only for medical reasons or in case when conception occurred as a result of rape.

Dmytro Holubov, the People’s Deputy from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, proposed such an initiative.

Bill №6239 proposes to introduce corresponding changes in a number of legislative acts.

In particular, it proposes to exclude from the Civil Code the rule that the artificial termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks can be carried out at the request of a woman.

It is also regulated that under certain circumstances (a direct threat to the life of a woman, medical indications and rape), abortion is possible in health facilities if the gestation period does not exceed 22 weeks.

As a reminder, the ban on abortion at the request of a woman is now in force in Poland. In the autumn of last year, a bill on absolute prohibition of abortions has been registered in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.

A flashmob with hashtags #czarnyprotest, #blackprotest began to spread on Facebook in response to a potential ban on abortions in Poland with possible criminal liability for abortion. Residents of Poland, as well as Ukrainian users of social networks decided to express their position regarding a deliberate termination of pregnancy.

On October 6, the Polish Sejm rejected the draft law, which was to introduce a complete ban on abortions.

Later, there was a proposal from the Polish government to pay mothers one-time assistance for a total of 1,000 $ (4,000 zł) in the case of a child with developmental disabilities or in case of rape.

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